The client for Rose Hill wanted a striking color scheme, but also wanted a flawless high contrast screen. His high school colors were red and gold, providing colors for accent and trim. The decision to use black as the final color was landed to retain good picture contrast, and consequently made the colors pop even more!
Unique Acoustics
Rose Hill was a unique acoustic puzzle. Room limitations eliminated the possibility of soffit subwoofers, but the client still wanted limitless bass. The volume of the room was relatively small with a footprint of 11′ x 17′ so our acoustics engineer specified 4 15″ IB subwoofers. If placed correctly they could provide earth shaking bass in a room that size. Due to the inaccessibility of four corner soffit subs we elected to do symmetrical front and rear subs. In the front we had a storage room that worked nicely for a 2 sub manifold. We even were able to tuck the manifold directly underneath the bottom shelf without having to relocate a thing. The rear was a simple matter of adjusting the size of the planned riser to allow for the incorporation of 15″ subs, after that we were set. We installed the three LCR’s behind an acoustically transparent screen and dipole surrounds were chosen and mounted high to avoid speaker hotspots due to the close proximity of the surround speakers to the listener.
The bottom and sides of the soffits were framed and wrapped in cloth at the shop, transported to the site, filled with dense acoustic insulation and installed in a modular fashion. The soffits were implemented as extremely effective bass traps. If you haven’t ever heard of a bass trap their primary purpose is to absorb bass waves so you have fewer room interactions with the bass. They are most effective when placed in corners as that is where you can intercept bass waves from multiple dimensions. The overall effect is to keep the bass waves from bumping into each other causing peaks and nulls around the room. They did their job extremely well and even before calibration we had one of the smoothest bass responses we have ever seen.
In designing this theater we realized that there was no way of achieving a proper level of sound absorption without moving or removing the sconce lighting. The only way to have both was to mount the light on the acoustic panel. Rapture went to great lengths to source the rigid/ fire rated acoustic panels and cloth for the wall panels in order to direct mount the sconces, meet electrical and fire codes, and still achieve an appropriate amount of absorption .
A remote nook was added to provide a place for the remote/ i-pad to dock and charge, providing a visually appealing place to store room control out of the way.